Theology of Games

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What Makes a Game Great?

Gold Dice

We spend a lot of time here on TOG critiquing games. Every day brings a new batch of games to this great hobby, and we get to analyze what's good and what's not. We've spent the last nearly two years telling you what we like about games--well, at least Jeremiah has, anyway... Now we want to hear from you.

There are so many different games out there. New genres. Old genres. New takes on old ones. Classic designers. Up-and-coming designers. Straightforward games. Games that involve lying. Experience games. Family games. Abstract games. And that just scratches the surface!

We understand this is subjective, and maybe intangible. Maybe you've never thought about what it is you like so much--what makes a game great for you.

So tell us! Is it a great theme? Clever mechanics? Lots and lots of dice? Let's hear it in the comments below!

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